I was born on December 30, 1951 in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.
Since my earliest years I felt artistic inclinations and decided to be a painter, which years after drove me to study the Bachelor´s Degree in Fine Arts, and later the Master Degree in painting at former Escuela de Artes Plásticas of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), currently the Faculty of Arts and Design of the UNAM (FAD). I think that one of my main skills is the domain of the techniques of painting material which have enabled my ability to give full rein to my creativity on a whim, from the most academic figuration to the purest abstraction from color, form and materials.
Through so many years, there are several trends in my painting: from surrealism, portrait, fish, birds, landscape and flowers, where abstraction is currently placed as my favorite ludic motivation. Each of my individual exhibitions contains 30-40 works, almost always, all of them new. In the last 10 years I only show one individual exhibition per year and participate in 1 or 2 collective exhibitions. I define myself as an artist who admires Magic Realism using primitive and Venetian techniques, sometimes divided between figurative painting and abstraction. I am truly committed to manufacturing, technical quality, and also passionate about color.
Reyna Zapata has sold around 600 paintings in all techniques and genres, including portrait and landscape. (200 of them are putrid and oil painting techniques).